Being part of the Buddying programme was something that I had wanted to do so I could help and assist younger students so when the opportunity arose for me to sign up for the programme, I did.

I have since been assigned an S1 buddy who I do paired reading with twice a week or any homework or work that she needs help with. Buddying has been an invaluable experience for me as it has given me the rare opportunity to work with a younger student and help her deal with adjusting to secondary school. It has helped me be a good listener and to be increasingly attentive when not only speaking to my buddy, but to my peers. It’s especially important to me as I think back to when I was I first year and really wished that I had someone who I could always talk to and give me advice and help with any of my problems; big or small. It has also assisted me in being more comfortable with reading aloud, which I think makes people nervous in general; it makes me really conscious of what I’m saying and has helped me become more comfortable with the reading in public. It’s an unforgettable experience to have in my last year of school to know that I am there for someone socially and emotionally through their transition into a completely knew and daunting environment – it is great comfort.